Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We're Baaaaaack . . .

I know I have lost all of my loyal followers (all four of you) except for, of course, Grandma, but hopefully you will randomly check back one day and see that we're back!

Part of my long absence has to do with being a mother of two (here's where I milk the sympathy from everyone who has two or less children), but really it has to do with that overwhelming feeling you get when you get behind on a project. I was feeling like I had to catch up on a couple months worth of pictures, so I just kept putting it off longer. My solution . . . just post for today and don't worry about catching up.

So here is tonight at dinner . . .

Grace tried mac and cheese for the first time and got a little carried away . . .

Nonna put Ella's tutu on Grace for a cute picture, but Grace just wanted to eat the tulle.

Grace is actually walking now . . . taking 5-10 steps at a time and then dropping. Here she is on her little car. She has yet to figure out how to move on it, but she likes to just sit and work the shifter.

Ella was indignant about something here . . . maybe her choice in footwear.

We went to the beach at Asilomar on Sunday because it was the first day in what felt like two weeks that we had some sun and warmth.

Ella and Nonna tide pooling . . .

Ella likes to make "sand angels" . . . I think she's practicing for when we go back to Michigan in the winter.